Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bad Bonii or You Suck Party Gaming

OK, it is obvious by the title that we're about the enter The Whine Zone. Empire, a Party skin, gave me the $15 bonus up front and all I had to do was play even poker for 150 hands. But no, fate wouldn't hear none of that shiznit. (Sorry about that, MTV was on.) I ended down $25. So that means that I lost $40 in those 150 hands. The cards weren't helping that is for sure. KK vs AA and some jerkoff hitting his 4 outer after going allin with me on the flop.

I am slightly down on Paradise. (Paradise, HA, oh how it hurts to laugh.) More of the same, except I tried a few nasty bluffs at the wrong time. Once the guy hit baby trips and the other the guy just had balls with a second pr.

Thank god for WPEX. I seem to always do well there. (Until I just bragged about it. Son-of-a.)

All in all I'm down $2 yesterday and even the night before. good thing for Px and the bonus money. I still have like $70 more to get off of Paradise.


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