Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tired and Weary or Dumb Question Session

I played for about 5 hrs last night. (With my own money.) I pretty much lived between $25 and $45 ahead all night. I just couldn't get past that hump. Then a few mins ago I finally lost a big hand to put me down for the night and make me finally decide to hit the sac. AA vs 9Ts. But no it's not the bad beat story you usually hear from me at about this time in the morn over the last week. No, the money didn't go in before the flop, but post flop with 998 on the board. I honestly don't think it was too bad a call and push by me, really. I caught myself thinking all that he can have me beat with right now is a set of 8's or a 9 as I was staring at his raise of my flop bet. I then think, would he call a 7xBB raise PF(I raised so much because of the sheer amount of limpers that were trying to come in the hand) with a pr of 8's, 9's or A9s or something else with a 9 in it - na, I know I wouldn't. So I'm pretty sure he is trying to buy this pot or has an over pr. That's where my money's at - an over pr, likely queens because there was no reraise PF. Anyways, you already know what he had so you know it was the wrong line of thinking. These suited-connectors are tough to see coming. I just might have to incorporate them into my game, though I don't know if I have the balls to raise or call a raise with them PF. I'll maybe tinker a little with them when I have position here and there and see how it goes. They sure can be devastating, that's clear.

I had a few questions come to mind as I was playing last night. I figured I mind as well share them with you.

Have you ever watched the board chop itself and give an idiot their money back even though they absolutely didn't deserve to have it back?

It just leaves you with an empty feeling inside, as you berate the screen with gems such as, "You called me with that, dumbass," or "What did you think I had, stupid, have your money back," or just succinctly put, "You suck, fag."

Have you ever reraised someone with a huge allin and when they turn over their hand you just have to laugh at your unwarranted fear of their holding?

I reraised this dude allin PF with my pocket K's and when he calls my huge overbet I get that stomach pang and deep breathing that usually comes with your ticket to the craziest rollercoaster around. I just know he will flip over AA or q's at the worst and then I have to hold off another Q. But no this moron turns over K7. But just as I start laughing aloud a 7 comes on the flop. Luckily no more 7's come and I take down the pot. I could see making a $30 bluff at the pot PF with K7 (Not really.) but to CALL a $30 bet PF at a $50 NL table is down-right lunacy.

Have you ever had that not so fresh feeling? You know what I'm talking about, right?

I have been off of work for 2 weeks now and I've played poker all night long every night. I think I'm worn out and not playing my A-game. The first week I made a killing. And now this second week I've lost just about every night. Luckily my winnings far outweigh my losses. It may just be coincidence but I doubt it. I usually get a bad beat or 2 every session but I also am able to sustain those beats and still be up. So as bad as I hate heading back to work tonight, it's probably for the best. Some time off will likely help me come back fresh and ready to rock. But that's just my take on things.

Later all, good luck at the tables, and when some jerkoff turns over K7 when up against your monster, you'll probably think back about my dumb questions. Later.

Online Bankroll
Total $2275.65

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