Thursday, November 16, 2006

This Morn or Little-Big Big-Little

Goofy morning. I just remembered that I had an E-mail stating that I had a rake back of $4 at Full Tilt for the little time that I played last month. I got on and put all $4 on a $10NL table. I turned that into about $8 or so in the hr that I played before bed. I also had 4 50 NL UB tabs going. I ended about even.

I got up and got back on. I put $4 on 2 different tabs. I also got 3 $50’s going at UB. I played the same waiting shoe-clerk game. I hit my JJ on my raised pot and pushed the flop. I got called and doubled through. On the other table I limped in with my J2s on a multi-way pot from the SB. I hit my flush on the turn. I got some action and tripled up by slapping down the smaller flush. I ended up making $10. I ended even again on UB in the hr session before work. Due to the bonus dollars I made $5 for the day.

So we are talking $14 at the $10NL tables and only $5 at the $50NL. Hey at least it is in the right direction and after last week’s ass-bangin’, I’ll take any win I can.

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